Stem Cell Therapy


When medications and physical therapy aren’t enough to ease chronic pain caused by orthopedic injury or degenerative disease, it might be time for a different approach. Dr. John Sparks offers a non-surgical solution for treating muscle, tendon and ligament injuries using stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is an innovative treatment that uses the power of human stem cells, one of the basic cells in the body, to regenerate diseased or damaged tissues. What makes stem cells so special is that they can become virtually any tissue in the body, including cartilage and muscle cells.

How Stem Cell Therapy Works

How Stem Cell Therapy Works

Stem cell therapy is designed to help you heal from the inside out. By harnessing the power of your very own stem cells, you can enjoy long-term pain relief and increased function without the need for medication or surgery. 

Because stem cells need time to regenerate and repair damaged cells, it can take several weeks after your stem cell injection to notice a difference. In some cases, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections may be given in addition to your stem cell injection to help the cells become more active. Over time, however, your pain should ease and your function should continue to improve in that area of the body. 

Stem cell therapy offers significant healing potential for some patients with arthritis and other joint conditions. When it comes to joint, muscle or tendon pain, it is best to see an orthopedic specialist for stem cell therapy. In addition to being highly skilled in working with the bone, joint, and muscle structures, a specialist will know if you are a good candidate for this type of therapy. To learn more about the benefits of innovative stem cell therapy, contact us to schedule an appointment today.